Birth Support Services

Call Sarena
Schedule a meeting to create a customized package to create a healthy, happy, ceremonial pregnancy, birth & postpartum. As a full-spectrum doula, massage therapist, Islamic hijama practitioner, student midwife, mother & free-birther of 2 babies, I am fully equipped to offer a wide variety of holistic, natural services in such a vulnerable time for mama & baby.
We believe in natural, liberated birth and provide massage through every stage of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
Our mission is to create healing connections through sharing sacred knowledge and prayerful, loving touch. We believe everyone deserves to know their birth rights & dream birth.
Empowered Birth Classes
1-2 hr prenatal sessions for $100
Childbirth preparation classes are available for the birthing person to learn about Herbal Medicine for Birth, Nutrition & Mind-Set in Pregnancy, Planned Natural Labor & Vaginal Birth After Cesarean, Advice about how to Support While Laboring at Home, How to Plan for a Liberating Birth, Worst Case Scenarios & Knowing Your Birth Rights. Partner support classes also available. Free Birthing support.
Herbal Immunity Building Bath
Preparations & photography
This is a celebration for the newborn baby as the first baby bath with the family. This sacred session begins with the gathering & bringing together of local desert wildflowers & herbs for delicately building immunity for newborn baby after birth. This is an ancient tradition practiced all over the world as a gentle way to introduce the outside world to the new baby usually as the first bath at around 1 week old. This is a beautiful photoshoot after the birth to celebrate the new addition to the family. Intimate gathering of building love bonds.
Postpartum Detox Cleanse
We extract toxic blood through a hijama wet cupping session around & over the top of the naval to help with returning the abdomen & uterus back to where is was before pregnancy & birth. This detox also follows a diet cleanse & a 3 week full body treatment system for even more optimal results. This will totally reset the body.
Prenatal Massage
1 hour 11 minutes / $111
2 hours 22 minutes / $222
Pregnancy massage is just as important for the mama as it is for the baby. Through each trimester there is a special massage that combines relaxation, deep tissue and grounding while we also release fears, stress, swelling, aches, pains, anxiety & depression. In the 1st trimester, we work on relaxing the body and loosening muscles related to stress and release any issues like lower back pain. In the 2nd trimester, we focus on the upper and lower body region with hips and legs & prepare mama for connecting with baby & releasing any fears related to birth. In the 3rd trimester, we use more flowing movements to move problematic fluid and focus on swelling and the lower body to loosen tight muscles while offering affirmations to prepare for birth to come.
Postpartum Massage
1 hour 11 minutes / $111
2 hours 22 minutes / $222
When the baby is here, rest and restoration massages are necessary after exhaustion from labor and birth. Mama-baby massage sessions assist with those precious first weeks of special bonding that are necessary. If there is any traumas from birth or struggles in postpartum, we can explore how to support your continued healing journey. This session can also be just for mama to completely relax for a moment alone. Completely customizable & recommended to continue monthly for restoration, recovery & restfulness.
Bone-Closing Ceremony
2-3 hr / 222
The bone closing ceremony is a beautiful and powerful tradition that honors the postpartum journey of birthing peoples. The ceremony begins with soaking the feet in warm water and herbs, creating a space for relaxation and grounding while having a heart-to-heart conversation where to process their birth experience and the challenges and joys of parenthood. Tea is prepared for Vaginal steaming as a way to cleanse and heal the body with specific herbs for each person. The ceremony concludes with a massage and the closing of the bones with rebozos, which symbolizes the physical and emotional closure of the birthing process. This ceremony is a beautiful way to honor and support the postpartum individual in their journey of healing and transformation.
Full-Spectrum Birth Woker
As a doula, birth worker, guardian of birth, protector of birth, I will assist you with informational, spiritual, mental, emotional & physical support birthing individuals & families during pregnancy, birth & postpartum. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for your comfort. I am independent and self-employed, and so, I am working for YOU, not your caregiver or place of birth.
Here are other ways that I can provide support during this sacred time:
• Help with the process of planning your ideal birth & birth team
• Offer Full-Spectrum (pregnancy to postpartum) support & counseling
• Offer alternative services of healing, health & wellness
• Follow along the journey towards an empowered birth & postpartum
• Provide educated & experienced advice for labor, birth & postpartum
• Create plans of action & networks of community support &
• Help prevent & eliminate stress, isolation & postpartum depression